Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Speed Work - Harris Park Hill and 800 m. Sprint Repeats

Tonight, the Legendary John Ferguson had us at Harris Park at the centre of London Ontario to do hill repeats from the park up to Ridout St. From there, we'd cool down across the Queens Ave. bridge to the west side of the Thames River, where we'd sprint 750 m. to Blackfriars Bridge. A cool-out jog to the base of the hill at the south end of Harris Park and we'd do it all again.

Once again, Bernie and I stayed together for the whole work out. Here are our splits:

1:25 up hill
3:01 750 m. sprint

1:26 up hill
3:09 750 m. sprint

1:24 up hill
3:03 750 m. sprint

1:21 up hill
3:00 750 m. sprint

So, my average up the hill was 1:24, and our average for the sprint was 3:03. Comparing this to Tuesday February 28 2013, my average up the hill was 1:36 and my average for the sprint was 3:15. Now, that was injured and at the end of February -- plus we did 5 repeats, not 4 as we did tonight. But clearly there is progress here!

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