Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mile Repeats (ish). 5 x 1.54 km

The trails in Gibbons Park were ice-covered in a lot of places, still, so The Legendary John Ferguson had us working a bit to the north of the normal mile-repeat area.

He had us do a 2 loops of some streets north of Gibbons Park that made up a 1/2 mile loop:


My GPS said that two loops was 1.54 km -- so not quite a mile. Each set of 2 loops was separated by a 2:30 rest. Here are my splits:

6:56 (7:14 per mile)
7:05 (7:24 per mile)
7:06 (7:25 per mile)
7:11 (7:30 per mile)
7:07 (7:26 per mile)

So, considering I ran 30 kilometres just 2 days ago, I'm reasonably happy with these splits.

But there is lots of opportunity for improvement. My last 5 x 1 mile repeats back in August 2013 had an average of just over 7 minutes per mile.

But I pushed hard at the end and felt pretty good.

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