Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Run - 9.5 km... (15.9 miles total on the week)

Today we met in Lucan for our annual Christmas Eve run. Jenny, Karen and Tori came out, as did Ange O'Handley and her two boys, Will (5) and Cohen (3). Everyone did a 1-k run out and then back to Tim Hortons for some hot chocolate -- 2 k total. Cohen hitched a ride with Ange for much of the run, but Will did the whole thing!

After the hot chocolate, I ran home and managed to bang off 5:21 per kilometre average pace. Here are my splits over the 7.5k run home:

5:33 (500 m.)

I felt good at the end -- but really didn't have a lot more in my legs to take me faster. All told, I did 15.9 miles on the weeks, so another 4 miles and I'm good to start looking at improving my speed.

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