Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hamstring Treatment - Day 40 - NO RUN today -- Hamstring was sore...

I bailed on doing another run with Ange and Molly today. My hamstring was a bit sore, so I decided to err on the side of caution and give it a day's rest. I'm playing hockey tomorrow night, so I'm not sure if I'll run or not. I may just go out for 3 miles during the day. I'm walking a fine line between gradually building the strength and "internal calluses" in my legs, and over-straining my hamstring again, thereby causing a setback in training.

There are now less than 16 weeks until Boston. At this point I don't know if I'm just "running" Boston or if I'll actually be able to race it. Time will tell. I'll just keep walking that fine line.

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